Green is not equal to green and red is not equal to red! - We love the richness of colors, the possibility of implementing individual color sensibilities and know the incomparable effect achieved by a rug that integrates perfectly into the room in terms of color. That is why our color collection includes around 160 colors. And if this is still not enough, we can individually carry out special colorings for you.
Dyeing Factory Probst - Emmenmatt
The Dyeing Factory Probst is located in the heart of the Emmental, where our virgin wool and linen are dyed. The raw yarn is stored there in large quantities so that we can dye as efficiently as possible and ensure shorter delivery times. Since we have our own color palette with over 160 colors, we dye exactly the amount we need for each order. This means that there is no overproduction, which speaks for sustainability.
1001 mais
1002 primelgelb
1003 vanille
1005 narzisse
1252 limette
1011 curry
1012 kurkuma
1013 honig
1017 indischgelb
1018 calendula
1019 clementine
1268 mandarine
1254 orange
1020 erdorange
1021 terracotta
1025 kupfer
1026 porto
1028 korallenrot
1029 backsteinrot
1030 hagebutte
1032 erdbeere
1036 rotbuche
1260 purpur
1264 terra
1038 mahagoni
1040 flieder
1044 berry
1253 azalee
1046 himbeere
1047 orchidee
1048 rosé
1051 altrosa
1052 marsala
1053 mauve
1056 braunrosa
1068 azurblau
1069 himmelblau
1242 enzian
1241 türkisblau
1271 agua
1070 taubenblau
1071 babyblue
1072 ozeanblau
1073 graublau
1273 samtblau
1075 blauviolett
1076 pastellviolett
1077 lila
1277 pastellrose
1266 vino
1078 violett
1259 viola
1080 nachtviolett
1081 violettblau
1082 dunkelblau
1085 mattblau
1086 altblau
1087 jeansblau
1088 blau
1089 royalblau
1091 sturmblau
1262 nachtviola
1279 nachtblau
1245 marine
1093 petrolblau
1094 lagune
1097 hellpetrol
1098 mint
1099 türkis
1100 reseda
1102 aloe-vera
1247 minttürkis
1105 smaragd
1107 nachtgrün
1108 flaschengrün
1109 tanne
1110 wappengrün
1113 grasgrün
1116 moos
1118 froschgrün
1257 grün
1120 army
1122 braunoliv
1261 olive
1126 helloliv
1258 maigrün
1128 lindengrün
1132 salvia
1133 pastellgrün
1244 samtgrün
1134 salbei
1136 minze
1137 hellmint
1138 olivia
1265 schilf
1276 urbangreen
1139 grüngrau
1144 stahlblau
1147 misty
1148 stahlpetrol
1149 aubergine
1150 mauvegrau
1151 hellaubergine
1153 dunkelgrau
1155 schiefer
1156 umbra
1157 schwarzbraun
1158 anthrazit
1159 schwarz
1160 ivoire
1162 écru
1163 eisgrau
1249 puder
1166 sandgrau
1256 perle
1168 hellgrau
1171 hellplatin
1172 grau
1176 platin
1178 hellblaugrau
1246 metallgrau
1179 lilagrau
1181 fliedergrau
1182 eisengrau
1183 hellschiefer
1248 braungrau
1278 pastellbraun
1188 milchschoko
1191 nougat
1192 zimt
1184 messing
1206 bernstein
1193 rehbraun
1194 rotbraun
1196 baumrinde
1198 dunkelbraun
1201 braun
1263 mocca
1255 chocolat
1216 caramel
1217 gold
1251 pastellgelb
1235 sandgold
1221 rosecreme
1226 rosesand
1229 kiessand
1232 sand
1269 hanf
1270 taupe
Linen colors
1162 écru
1160 ivoire
1275 perle
1249 hellbeige
8205 silbergrau
1168 hellgrau
1172 grau
1166 sandgrau
1270 taupe
1272 eule
9223 rosenholz
9219 pastellbraun
9216 braungrau
1156 umbra
Natur-Leinen (ungefärbt)
1232 sand
1265 schilf
1155 schiefer
9347 nachtblau
1158 anthrazit
1159 schwarz
1263 mocca
1196 baumrinde
1025 kupfer
1191 nougat
1216 caramel
1217 gold
1184 messing
1020 erdorange
1021 terracotta
1206 bernstein
1254 orange
1026 porto
1266 vino
1260 purpur
1253 azalee
1044 berry
1259 viola
1074 lavendel
9259 lilac
1053 mauve
9364 pastellrose
9921 pastellgrün
1138 olivia
1147 misty
1142 pastellblau
9220 samtblau
1271 agua
1099 türkis
1148 petrol
1094 lagune
1109 tanne
1115 blattgrün
1257 grasgrün
1258 maigrün
1252 limette
WOLFI colors (fine wool)
61142 pastellblau
61162 écru
67005 grau
67010 waldgrün
67040 braun
67042 dunkelgrau
67085 dunkelbraun
67399 schwarz
67527 taupe
68145 eisgrau
69364 rosé
69921 pastellgrün
Please note that colors may differ between screen and reality.