Only the highest quality materials - natural fibers

What is the difference between wool and virgin wool?
The name "virgin wool" is used only when sheared exclusively from live sheep. Thus, the many positive qualities of the material are present. Whereas the designation "wool" can also refer to inferior qualities, such as wool obtained from dead sheep or reused wool. Particularly high-quality qualities are found in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and South America.

How is linen made?
Linen fiber is a natural vegetable fiber from the stems of the flax plant. The longer the fibers the better the quality. For this reason, we use only long fiber linen.

  • Origin new wool: New Zealand and Europe
  • Origin flax (linen): France
  • Yarn manufacturing/spinning virgin wool: Switzerland
  • Yarn manufacturing/spinning Linen: Italy
  • Yarn dyeing virgin wool and linen: Switzerland

What are the differences between virgin wool and linen?

 Virgin WoolLinen
Originanimal productherbal product
Opticdepending on the shade rather mattnatural shine
Structureuniform color imagevivid look & Vintage effect
High pilegreat stabilityPile settles
Flat pileStraightens up again.
Imprint marks possible.
Remains flat and becomes compact.
Hardly any impression marks.
Burning behaviorflame retardantMore flammable